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Freedom Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Parent Committees

Parent Committees

Utilization of parent input is offered through a number of forums including site and community booster organization groups to ensure a diverse representation. These groups allow for on-going dialogue to take place between school staff and parents. These groups include all of the following below.

School Site Council
School Site Council (SSC):  meets quarterly with administrative, teacher, parent and student representatives to review and adopt the school site plan and grant final approval on all categorical funds.


For more information contact:

SART Meetings

  A photo of 2 young kids wearing blue shirt with animal print  Student Assessment Review Team (S.A.R.T.) Committee

The purpose of Freedom’s S.A.R.T. committee meetings is to study and evaluate the various components that comprise our total school and to offer input for ways of improving those components.



S.A.R.T. Committee Objectives will Include:

  • To study and become knowledgeable about the various programs and components that make up the total school operation.
  • To discuss (as representatives of the community) the effectiveness and appropriateness of these programs and components relative to the goals of the school.
  • To aid in assessing school/community attitudes about the total school program.
  • Provide representatives for the Clovis East Area S.A.R.T. committees, as well as representation for the District S.A.R.T. committees.